Brief Match-o-Mania overview

What is Match-o-Mania?

Regardless of age and gender, you can use Match-o-Mania to recognise whether you are a good match for a close friendship with another person. Match-o-Mania shows you how much your contact matches you in fundamental life experiences and beliefs that are important to you and how well you complement each other in basic skills. The information you provide is protected and remains hidden from the other person.

At the same time, Match-o-Mania learns which character traits are important to you in others and which you don't like. Match-o-Mania supports you in finding new valuable contacts and meeting them in smaller or larger groups.


How do I recognise soulmates in Match-o-Mania?

Match-o-Mania will give you the soulmate potential for each contact in the form of a star, with each point representing one of five areas. The more pronounced any point of the star, the more the associated area contributes to the soulmate potential.

contact view

The points of the star represent the following areas:

A (largely) fully formed bright star indicates a person who is probably highly soulmate with you:

soulmate star

If a person is very similar to you in nature, such an imperfect bright star typically appears. The complementary traits are then missing:

clone star

If a person is completely alien to you, this is indicated by a diminished bright star:

alien star


How do I get contacts in Match-o-Mania?

There are three ways to get new contacts:


Have I found a friend or partner for life?

If you have found a willing partner, you can use Match-o-Mania to find out within half an hour in which areas your fundamental life imprint harmonises more or less. If you haven't already done so, log in to Match-o-Mania, fill in your psychological questionnaire - which, by the way, is private - make mutual contact there and wait a few minutes until Match-o-Mania shows your soulmate match result with your partner.

Please note: Even if Match-o-Mania doesn't diagnose you with a high soulmate score, but you have other things that connect you, you can still be a good team.


What else do I get from Match-o-Mania?

Match-o-Mania is free and anonymous. The questionnaire you fill in is secret and cannot be viewed by others.

Any user can advertise meetings in Match-o-Mania. You are free to choose which of your contacts' advertised meetings you want to see and which of your contacts can see the meetings you have advertised.

Even if an appointment takes place online across several time zones, Match-o-Mania ensures that everyone meets at the right time, depending on their geographical location and taking into account such things like daylight saving time, also called summer or winter time.

If someone agrees to meet but then doesn't attend, Match-o-Mania recognises this and devalues his / her meeting reliability. This is a score that can be seen by each of its contacts.

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